More Parrotlets! -- My Week in Clay 4/28/2017

April 29, 2017

More Parrotlets! -- My Week in Clay 4/28/2017

Another batch of parrotlets has arrived, this time in yellow. I have three American yellows, two pastel (European yellow), one lutino, and one fallow green with yellow cheeks. Next week I plan on making a green batch. These have all been Pacific parrotlets so far, but I also plan on making a few more featuring other species, such as the spectacled parrotlet. They will all be available in my new parrotlet collection, set to release some time next month. I will keep you all updated on my progress.

A huge thank you to everyone who has commissioned me in the past two months. I am overjoyed to have the opportunity to sculpt such a diverse array of lovely birds! To anyone thinking about commissioning a special piece, you can contact me any time.

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